Mica Shine All Natural Beauty

What is it

  •  Angled brush.
  •   Disposable mascara wand to groom and shape your brows, and the angled brush fills in and defines your brows with brow powder or pomade.
What You'll Need
  •   Brow Brush.
  •   An angled brush on the other.
  •   Brow Powder or Pomade.
  •  Depending on your preference for filling in brows.
  •   Mirror, preferably with magnification for better precision.
  •  Optional Brow gel for extra hold, makeup remover, or cotton swabs for touch-ups.
Prepare Your Brows
  •   Start with clean, dry brows.
  •  If you use a brow primer or serum, apply it and let it dry before proceeding.
Hold the Spoolie Properly
  •  Grip the spoolie end of your dual-ended brush comfortably in your hand.
Brush with the Spoolie
  •   Use the spoolie to brush your brow hairs upward and outward, following the natural shape of your eyebrows.
  • This step grooms the hair and gives you a clearer view of sparse or uneven areas.
Load the Angled Brush
  •   Dip the angled brush into your chosen brow product (powder or pomade).
  •  Pick up enough to fill in gaps but not so much that the brush becomes clogged.
Remove Excess Product
  •  Tap off any excess product from the angled brush to avoid applying too much at once.
Begin Filling In
  •  Place the angled brush at the beginning of your brow (closest to the middle of your face) and apply the product in short, upward strokes.
  •  Mimic the direction and length of your natural brow hairs.
Build Up Color and Shape
  •   Continue applying the product, moving toward the tail end of your brow.
  •  Use the angled brush to outline your brow's lower and upper edges for more definition.
Blend, Blend, Blend
  •  Return to the spoolie end of your brush and gently brush through your brows again.
  • This will blend the product for a more natural look.
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  • Check your brows in the mirror.
  • If any areas look too dark, light, or uneven, use the angled brush or spoolie to make adjustments.
  •  If you've applied too much product, a cotton swab can help remove it.
Optional Apply Brow Gel
  •  If you're using brow gel for extra hold, apply it with either the spoolie or the product's applicator.
  •   Brush upward and outward as you did initially.
Always wash your brow brush and mascara wand
  •  After each use, prevent product buildup and bacteria.
  •  A brow brush mascara wand is valuable for anyone, including drag performers, who aim for polished, well-defined brows.
  •   Practice different brow shapes and thicknesses to discover what complements your face the best.
  •   The Brow Brush/Mascara wand is a multi-purpose tool that can dramatically enhance the appearance of your eyebrows.

Following these steps, you can groom, fill in, and shape your brows like a pro, making this dual-ended tool an essential part of any makeup toolkit.


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