Start with a Clean Canvas

  •   First, use a gentle facial cleanser to wash away dirt, oils, and old makeup.
  •  Pat your face dry and apply a light eye cream or moisturizer to the eye area.
  •   Starting with a clean and moisturized face allows for better eye makeup application and helps it stay on longer.
  •  If a Drag Performer performs under hot stage lights, they might opt for an oil-free moisturizer to keep the skin matte.
Prime Your Eyelids
  •   Use your fingertips or a brush to apply a thin layer of eyeshadow primer to your eyelids.
  •  Primer creates a smoother base for eyeshadow, enhances the color, and helps the makeup last longer.
  •   Drag Performers might use a heavy-duty primer to keep their eye makeup vibrant through multiple acts.
Choose Your Eyeshadow Colors
  •   Pick at least three eyeshadow colors—a light base color, a medium transition shade, and a darker shade for defining features.
  •  Multiple shades add dimension and depth to the eye makeup.
  •   A Drag Performer might choose a bright base color like pink, a deeper purple for the crease, and a dark black for the outer corner to create a stunning look.
Apply the Base Color
  • Use a flat eyeshadow brush to apply the lightest color over the entire eyelid area, going from the lash line to the brow bone.
  • The base color helps the eyelid’s tone and makes other colors stand out more.
  •   For a Drag performance, a performer might use a base color with a slight shimmer to catch the stage lights.
Define the Crease
  •  Take a smaller, fluffy brush and apply the medium color to the natural crease of your eye.
  •  Make windshield wipers or circular movements for seamless blending.
  •   This adds a gradient effect to the eye, making it look more three-dimensional.
  •   A Drag Performer could opt for a bright, bold color in the crease to create a dramatic look.
Add Depth with Darker Shade
  •  Use a small, tapered brush to apply the darkest color to the outer corners of your eyes.
  •   Blend this color gently into the crease.
  • The dark shade adds depth and complexity to the eye makeup.
  •   A Drag Performer might extend this darker shade into a ‘V’ shape, pointing outward for added drama.
Highlight the Inner Corner
  •  With a small, flat brush, dab a shimmery or light color onto the inner corners of your eyes.
  • This technique brightens the eyes and makes them look more prominent.
  • A Drag Performer might use sparkling silver or gold eyeshadow for this step to make their eyes pop on stage.
Line Your Eyes
  •  Pick your preferred type of eyeliner—pencil, gel, or liquid.
  • Apply the liner close to the lash line, moving from the inner corner to the outer corner of the eye.
  •   Eyeliner defines the eyes and can make the lashes appear thicker.
  •   A bold, winged liquid liner could add flair to the eyes for a Drag performance.
Curl Your Lashes
  •   Use an eyelash curler to give your lashes an upward curve.
  • Curled lashes open your eyes, making them look more extensive and more awake.
  • A Drag Performer may heat the eyelash curler with a hairdryer for a few seconds for a more lasting curl.
Apply Mascara
  • Start at the base of your lashes and wiggle the mascara wand upward to the tips.
  • Mascara lengthens and volumizes the lashes, complementing the entire eye makeup look.
  •  Drag Performers might use a waterproof, volumizing mascara for a bold effect that lasts all night.

Optional Steps

Apply False Lashes
  • Trim the false lashes to fit your eyes.
  • Apply lash glue and place them close to your natural lash line.
  •   False lashes add drama and intensity to the eyes.
  •  A Drag Performer might choose extravagant lashes with feathers or rhinestones for an unforgettable look.
Define Your Eyebrows
  •   Use an eyebrow pencil or powder to fill your brows, following the natural shape.
  •   Well-defined brows frame the face and enhance the overall look.
  • Drag Performers often exaggerate their brows for more expressive and theatrical facial expressions.

Final Words

  •  Practice makes perfect, especially in the world of makeup.

Each step contributes to a finished look that can be as subtle or dramatic as you wish. Whether you're a makeup beginner or a seasoned Drag Performer, mastering eye makeup takes time, experimentation, and, most importantly, the freedom to express your unique style.

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